Dear friends,
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” Revelation 2:11
Welcome to our new, second website! It’s for YOU – our enthusiastic volunteers, our generous donors, our steadfast prayer warriors and our loyal friends!
We sincerely wish each and every one of you could come visit us and let us take you on a tour of our wonderful center. We always talk about how much God loves HTPRC and that he’s always there. Many of those who walk through remark that they get that feeling, too!
This website is meant primarily for two purposes:
1) to give you the “hooks” you need to volunteer, donate, sign up for our newsletter, join a prayer team or simply contact us; and
2) to tell the wonderful testimonies of so many of our clients and volunteers, in words, pictures and video.
You may also find a stray “fact” here and there. It’s hard to ignore the numbers, which have grown so quickly since we opened our doors in 2012 under God’s guidance!
I pray you get a glimpse of the heart of God while clicking through this site. And if you want to feel the heart of God, stop by and visit us. We would love to see you!
In His love for LIFE,